Home » Long steel » Circular hollow section » Seamless pipe s275j2h,en10210 s275j2h with en 10204 3.1 mill certificate

Seamless pipe s275j2h,en10210 s275j2h with en 10204 3.1 mill certificate

Seamless pipe s275j2h,en10210 s275j2h with en 10204 3.1 mill certificate stock in Xinsteel Industrial warehouse in good condition.Seamless pipe s275j2h shall be visually inspected for compliance with the requirements of 6.8 in specification EN 10210-1.

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Seamless pipe s275j2h,en10210 s275j2h circle hollow section dimensions checking shall be following to the requirements of Part 2 of the standard EN 10210-2.


The impact test of seamless pipe S275J2 shall be carried out in accordance with EN 10045-1 and EN 10021.


Mechanical tests for en10210 s275j2h circle hollow section:

Tensile strength: 430-580 Mpa

Yield strength: 275 Mpa Min.

Density: 7.85 kg/dm3


en10210 s275j2h
en10210 s275j2h

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