Home » Steel plates » Stainless plate » SA240 tp410s stainless plate,uns s41008 stainless plate with low carbon

SA240 tp410s stainless plate,uns s41008 stainless plate with low carbon

SA240 tp410s stainless plate,uns s41008 stainless plate with lower carbon maximum 0.08% than SA240 TP410 stainless plate with carbon 0.08-0.15%.UNS S41003 stainless plate contains carbon maximum 0.03%.

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SA240 tp410s stainless plate is a low carbon modification of type SA240 410 stainless steel plate.SA240 tp410s stainless plate remains soft and ductile even when the material is rapidly cooled from above the critical temperature.


UNS S41008 stainless plate owns better weldability than SA240 410 stainless steel plate, and maintains ductility even when heated and quenched.


uns s41008 stainless plate
uns s41008 stainless plate

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