Home » Long steel » Circular hollow section » S355jr galvanized round pipe,s235jr galvanized pipe,q345b galvanized tube
S355jr galvanized round pipe,s235jr galvanized pipe,q345b galvanized tube
S355jr galvanized round pipe,s235jr galvanized pipe,q345b galvanized tube with various diameters exports to Singapore,Thailand,Indonesia and Malaysia.Comparasion with S235JR galvanized pipe,S355JR galvanized and Q345B galvanized tube have a higher tensile strength.
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S355jr galvanized round pipe is one high tensile strength steel material from EN 10025-2 specification.S355JR galvanized round pipe is equivalent to q345b galvanized tube.

S235jr galvanized pipe with minimum 235 Mpa yield strength and minimum 360 Mpa tensile strength in mecahnical property,which is equal to Q235B galvanized pipe,A53 Grade B galvanized tube,SS400 galvanized steel pipe,etc.

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