S355j2 steel plate ex-stock,S355k2 steel plate supplier
S355j2 steel plate ex-stock in China warehouse ready for shipment with thickness 2 to 250mm,small cutting sizes of s355k2 steel plate also can offer.EN 10204 3.1 mill inspection certificate shall be along with these hot rolled steel plate stock.
S355j2 steel plate ex-stock techincal data:
Charpy impact testing at -20 Degree centigrade on longitudinal at minimum energy above 27J
Tensile strength: 510 Mpa to 680 Mpa
Yield strength: 355 Mpa Min.
Density: 7.85 kg/dm3
S355k2 steel plate ex-stock techincal data:
Charpy impact testing at -20 Degree centigrade on longitudinal at minimum energy above 40J
Tensile strength: 510 Mpa to 680 Mpa
Yield strength: 355 Mpa Min.
Density: 7.85 kg/dm3
Normalized or Normalising rolling or Control rolling or As rolling delivery condition.