Home » Beam steel » S355j2 hea 120 beam,s355j2 he220b steel beam,H beam s355j0 heb400

S355j2 hea 120 beam,s355j2 he220b steel beam,H beam s355j0 heb400

Hot rolled H type beam,Hea beam with steel grades of en 10025-2 s355jr,s355j0,s355j2,s275jr,s275j0,s275jr+ar,s235jr,s235j0 and s235j2 in different dimensions.S355j2 hea 120 beam,s355j2 he220b steel beam,H beam s355j0 heb400 stock available for shipment.

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S355j2 hea 120 beam with size of H114×120×5×8MM unit weight  19.9 kg/m

Stock length with 6000mm,9000mm,11000mm,12000mm


S355j2 he220b steel beam,also write as S355J2 HEB 220 steel beam with size of H210×220×7×11

Unit weight as 50.5 kg/m


s355j2 he220b
s355j2 he220b


H beam s355j0 heb400 shall be done low temperature charpy impact testing at 0 degree centigrade.


s355j0 heb400
s355j0 heb400


Other steel profile also stock available includes Angle bars,Bulb flats,Flat bars,H-beams,I-beams,T-beams,Channels,Round bars,Half Round bars,Rebars,SHS,RHS,UPE,UPN,IPE,IPN,HEA,HEB,HEM,PFC in European standard.


s275j0 steel beam
s275j0 steel beam

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