Home » Long steel » Circular hollow section » S275j0 rectangular tube,s275j2 square tube,s275jr rectangular tube stock

S275j0 rectangular tube,s275j2 square tube,s275jr rectangular tube stock

S275j0 rectangular tube,s275j2 square tube,s275jr rectangular tube stock with clear surface in our inner warehouse ready for shipment,the diameter range from 20*20-400*400mm and 20*40-400*600mm with welding and seamless typies.

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S275j0 rectangular tube,supplier from European steel specification EN 10210 with hot finished,low temperature charpy impact test shall be done at 0 ℃ comply to specification EN 10045-1.


S275j2 square tube,rolling with square hollow section shape,charpy impact test shall be done at -20 ℃ comply to specification EN 10045-1.


s275j2 square tube
s275j2 square tube


s275jr rectangular tube
s275jr rectangular tube


S275jr rectangular tube nomally used in room temperature without done low temperature charpy impact test.


    More Circular hollow section