Home » Beam steel » s235j2 channel steel

s235j2 channel steel

Hot rolled s235j2 channel steel with dimension UPN 100 100×50×6×8.5×12 meter and UPN 120 120×55×7×9×12 meter stock at Xinsteel Industrial’s shanghai Xinrui warehouse ready for shipment.Mill certificate for these U channel steel S235J2 is EN 10204 3.1 FORMAT.

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U channel steel S235J2 is one low temperature impacting test steel channel at minus 20 ℃.


S235J2 channel steel stock size:


UPN 80 U80×45×6×8

UPN 100 U100×50×6×8.5

UPN 120 U120×55×7×9

UPN 140 U140×60×7×10

UPN 160 U160×65×7.5×10.5

UPN 180 180×70×8×11

UPN 200 U200×75×8.5×11.5

UPN 220 U220×80×9×12.5

UPN 240 U240×85×9.5×13

UPN 260 U260×90×10×14


UPE 80  80×50×4×7

UPE 100  100×55×4.5×7.5

UPE 120  120×60×5×8

UPE 140  140×65×5×9

UPE 160  160×70×5.5×9.5

UPE 180  180×75×5.5×10.5

UPE 200  200×80×6×11

UPE 220  220×85×6.5×12

UPE 240  240×90×7×12.5


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