Home » Beam steel » HEA280 s355j2+m,hea180 s355j0 beam,hea steel beam,hea 340 steel beam s235jr supplier

HEA280 s355j2+m,hea180 s355j0 beam,hea steel beam,hea 340 steel beam s235jr supplier

ABS Class approval EN 10204 3.2 mill certificate issued for HEA280 s355j2+m,hea180 s355j0 beam,hea steel beam,hea 340 steel beam s235jr which are mainly used for shipbuilding or ship repairing.

Rated 4.8/5 based on 386 customer reviews

HEA280 s355j2+m,is one kind light weight H shaped beam.Delivery with TMCP (Thermal mechanical control processing),if need normalized heat treatment for S355J2,it should write as HEA280 S355J2+N.


HEA280 s355j2+m
HEA280 s355j2+m


Hea180 s355j0 beam,hea steel beam,hea 340 steel beam s235jr stock with various lengths in good condition at port ready for shipment.


hea180 s355j0 beam
hea180 s355j0 beam
hea steel beam
hea steel beam


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Alloy steel plates,Structural steel plates,Stainless steel plates
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