Home » Long steel » Rectangular hollow section » EN 10210-1 hot rolled hollow section S355
EN 10210-1 hot rolled hollow section S355

EN 10210-1 hot rolled hollow section S355

EN 10210-1 specification hot rolled hollow section S355 series including S355JRH square hollow section,S355J2 square hollow section,S355K2H rectangular steel tube,S275NH square pipe,S355NH rectangular hollow section.

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S355K2H rectangular steel tube is hot finished with or without heat treatment.K2 means these rectangular steel tubes shall be done charpy-V notch impact testing at -20 ℃ with impact energy minimum 40J.


s355jrh hollow pipe
s355j2h hollow pipe


S275NH square pipe is delivery with heat treatment under Normalized at temperature above 700 ℃.


S355NH rectangular hollow section mechanical property:

Yield strength  355Mpa Min.

Tensile strength  510-680 Mpa


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