Home » Long steel » Bulb flat » Bulb plate ccs ah36

Bulb plate ccs ah36

Bulb plate ccs ah36,bulb flat ccs ah36,holland profile steel ccs ah36 with en 10204 3.2 CCS CLASS certificate was exported to our Thiland shipyard customer.Bulb plate ccs ah36 shall be treated charpy v notch impact testing at 0 degree centigrade.

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Bulb plate ccs ah36 mechanical property:


Yield strength:  355 Mpa Min.

Tensile strength:  490 to 620 Mpa


Bulb flat ccs ah36 in this shipment dimensions:

HP140×10  13.05kg/m

HP200×10   20.14kg/m

HP240×10   25.50kg/m

HP240×12   29.27kg/m


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