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A240 tp304 stainless plate,sa240 tp304 stainless steel sheet

A240 tp304 stainless plate,sa240 tp304 stainless steel sheet is Austenitic stainless steel with hot rolled delivery condition,Solid solution and Pickling No.1;SA240 TP304 stainless steel sheet is delivery with cold rolled,2B surface.

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A240 tp304 stainless plate has a better weldability,heat resistance and corrosion resistance,processability and better warm workability like bending and stamping.


SA240 tp304 stainless steel sheet mechanical property:


Tensile strength: 515 Mpa Min.

Yield strength: 205 Mpa Min.

Density: 7.93 kg/dm3


sa240 tp304 stainless steel sheet
sa240 tp304 stainless steel sheet

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