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10crmo9-10 seamless tube

10crmo9-10 seamless tube,steel tubular 10crmo9-10,Circular pipe 10crmo910 supplies from EN 10216-2 specification which is for alloy steel tubes with specified elevated temperature properties.

Density: 7.85 kg/m3
Min. Yield strength 280 Mpa
Tensile strength:480-630 Mpa
Specification:EN 10216-1,EN 10216-2

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EN 10216-2 10crmo9-10 seamless tube is one Cr-Mo alloy steel pipe,with Cr 2.0-2.5 % and Mo 0.9-1.1 % in heat analysis.


Steel tubular 10crmo9-10 shall be delivery with Normalising and Tempering,Normalising temperature at 900-960 ℃ and tempering temperature at 680-750 ℃.


Nondestructive inspection shall be done for each Circular pipe 10crmo910 before delivery from mill and passed,mill would issue original mill test certificate according to EN 10204 3.1 format.


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